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Digital in 2018

Media Monitoring and Analysis

CLIP Mediaservice is considered one of the largest and most modern media monitoring companies in Austria. As such, we comb through the Austrian media landscape on a daily basis, such as print media, online media, social media, as well as information programs from radio and TV, according to your desired search terms. No matter whether you want to observe your own company, the market or developments and trends, media monitoring helps you stay up to date with the latest information. This is supported both by a daily express delivery of all found contributions, as well as by an online archive, which gives you access to all information and results of your media work.



Through its clipping service, CLIP Mediaservice offers an ideal service for creating your press review. You can compile your own personal media list with a choice of over 2,000 print media. The editors of CLIP Media Service read all the articles, sort them according to your personal topics and incorporate your clippings into the CLIP database. The online archive grants you the ability to access all clippings around the clock via your personal secure online access.


Radio & TV

We monitor information programs from radio and TV throughout Austria for you including regional stations. Should your keyword be mentioned on one of the monitored programs, you will be immediately informed by CLIP Mediaservice via of a short summary by e-mail or, upon request, by phone. You can also decide in which form you would like to receive the ordered article, as a transcript, audio file or video file.



CLIP Mediaservice informs you around the clock about the most important news from the online media. Short reports give you a first impression of the content and the found online article is directly accessible via link. The CLIP Mediaservice online media monitoring is the fastest way to constantly stay up to date. The alert function lets you receive an email message immediately after the publication of an article in one of the observed online media and thereby allows you to immediately react to the content. Online media monitoring gives you a decisive information advantage, especially in times of crisis.


Social Media Monitoring

Social media monitoring by CLIP Mediaservice provides an overview of what is currently being talked about in social networks, as well as various tools to draw conclusions from the gained information for active media work. One key factor for handling content from a variety of platforms is to be informed in a timely manner. This allows you to react quickly, should the situation require it. Our individual analyses support you by delivering precise evaluations and reports. We will gladly work with you to develop customized solutions or offer you one of our social media products for your own analysis. Make an appointment with our social media analysts to learn more about the many social media monitoring options and our analysis.



The CLIP Mediaservice analysis team examines the desired clippings from your press review and delivers pinpoint and meaningful results. Facts, tendencies and opinions are identified. Strengths and weaknesses of current media work can be identified through various analyses and these results can be used for future campaigns. Various formats of analysis are available for this purpose, such as advertising value equivalence analyses, resonance analyses as well as brand & division counts. Our analysts will be happy to work with you to develop a meaningful analysis that is tailored to your personal needs, or to discuss the many possibilities offered by the analysis tools in our online clipping archive.

Christina Hagenauer

Zeige die Beiträge von Christina Hagenauer
Bei CLIP: Social Media Manager & Leitung Kundencenter *** Privat: Kartenmacherin & Social Media Enthusiastin

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AMEC APA Arbeitsalltag ATV Auflagenzahlen Auszeichnung CLIP-Archiv CLIP Mediaservice Clipping-Archiv Corona Der Standard Die Tagespresse Dietrich Mateschitz Digitalisierung Digital News Report e-paper Elon Musk EU European Newspaper Congress Extradienst Facebook Fake News Fernsehen FIBEP FPÖ Förderung Gesetz Google Google Alerts Instagram Internet Journalismus Journalisten Journalisten-Barometer Kommunikation Konferenz Kongress Kronen Zeitung Künstliche Intelligenz Media-Analyse Media Monitoring Medien Medienbranche Medienenquete Medienförderung Medienkompetenz Medienkonsum Mediennutzung Medienverhalten Nachrichten Netflix Online-Medien ORF Politik PR-Branche Preis Pressefreiheit Presseförderung Presserat Pressespiegel Print-Medien Printmedien Public Relations Qualitätsjournalismus Radio Ranking Rechercheplattform Red Bull Media House Regierung Reichweite Reporter ohne Grenzen Reuters Social Media Social Media Monitoring Statistik Streaming Studie Tageszeitung Tageszeitungen Thomas Drozda Tipps Trend TV Twitter Urheberrecht Veranstaltung VÖZ Wahlkampf Werbung Wiener Zeitung Wolfgang Fellner YouTube Zeitschriften- und Fachmedienverband Zeitung Zeitungen Zertifikat ÖAK Österreichische Medientage Österreichische Webanalyse ÖWA
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